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oTaYy Da NaMe Is DaNyEa 17 yEaRz YuNg ApRiL bAbY (tAuRuS) cOlLeGe BoUnD sTuDeNt HaTe AgGy PpL sO dNt B iGgY cUrReNtLy A mmBR oF jDj eNt. Ta FuRtHeR uR kNoWlEdGe HiT mE:: fAcEbOoK;;dAnYeA bRoWn OoVoO;;BiTtYlUv92 AiM;;lIlBiT858... mYcAmPuSfAlL09.CoM/


Monday, November 30, 2009

I think every high school student should have an laptop..

Friday, November 20, 2009

no i do not think my parents should be responsible for my behavio problems in school. No i truly think the parent shouldnt get punished for their childs behavior ,because kids behavior is triggered 4 many diffrnt reasons that deals with or happens in school..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If i were the principal, i would give students detention if their constantly late ta school..

class? -> i school suspension and call their parents..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I think the world would be a better place if students learned more knowledge on their environment an how their take on life pays a part on their surrounddings i school. i chose this because its important to know a good amount on life.

Monday, November 16, 2009

three advantages towards the using of igoogle is for the use of information. dealing with roound the wrld nd etc


My performance in this class is not excellent but good.I have completed most of my assignmens for ict. i feel ahouh i need ta improve in bettering my do now's an more. too make hese improvements i will come to class an start my work asap..